Maxamed Siciid Ducaale Dahabshiil oo noqday Ninka ugu taajirsan/Ladan geyiga Soomaaliyeed oo dhan Sida uu qoray Forbes


Sida lagu daabacay Nuqul-sidaha ka faallooda saamilayda iyo hantilayaasha dunida ee Forbes, Maxamed Siciid Ducaale Dahabshiil ayaa noqday maalqabeenka ugu taajirsan/ladan dunida Soomaaliyeed oo dhan, ama shanta Soomaaliyeed.

Sida Saami-faalleeyaha Forbes qoray, Maxamed Siciid Ducaale ayaa hantidiisa lagu qiyaasay 1 Bilyan oo dollarka maraykanka ah.

Maxamed Siciid Ducaale ayaa ah mulkiilaha shariikadda Dahabshiil Groups, oo ka kooban, Bangiga Dahabshiil, Xawaaladda Dahabshiil, shariikadda isgaadhsiinta Somtel iyo nidaamka casriga Online ee Talkremit, wuxuu sidoo kale saamiyo ku leeyahay shariikado dhinaca Guryaha iyo caymiska ah dalalka Ingiriiska, maraykanka iyo Emirateka Carabta.

Abdirashid Duale is the CEO ofDahabshiil, an international funds transfer company headquartered in Dubai. His father founded the business in the early 70s as a commodities trading business but extended into providing money transfer services to Somali diaspora who were looking to send money home. Duale, 40, now calls the shots and has control of the company. Dahabshiil now operates from more than 24,000 outlets across 126 countries and employs more than 2,000 people. The company had 2016 revenues of more than $1 billion. The Dahabshiil Group also operates a leading commercial bank in Somalia, and owns 95% of mobile telecoms firmSomtel. Duale owns property in London, Dubai and Hargeisa.


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