Fadlan Caawi Walaalkaaga Dhiban Mucjiso Naxdinleh Oo Ku Dhacday 5 Wiil Oo Walaalo Ah.


Walaalo Sadaqaddanna Aynu La Baxno, Oo Dadkan Illaahay XISKOODII Ka Qaaday Ee Uu Inagu Eegayo Aynu Caawino. Dadkan oo ay hayso cafimaad daro iyo daryeel la’an iyo baahi aad u daran oo xataa anay heysan waxay cunaan. Haddii Aad Wadanka Joogtana iyo dibadiisaba, Fadlan HOOYADDA Kala Xidhiidh Numberadan 0634664102 Cabdilaahi 0634326736.  oo ka mida dadka gacan ku haya

I have watched touching video clip for a mother who has five mentally ill sons. They are from poor family who has recently relocated from Ethiopia to Somaliland. I feel so strongly that I have to start fundraising for them to support as they neither have medical care, food nor a roof over their head. Please donate generously as they need your help and our help to make a difference. Mobile Number 0634664102 Abdilaahi 0634326736.



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