Warbixinta afar biloodka ah ee xaaladda warbaahinta Somaliland ku sugan tahay


Afar bilood kasta Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay soo saartaa warbixin afar bilood le ah oo ku saabsan xaaladda warbaahinta Somaliland. Warbixintu waxaay ku dhisan tahay kormeer ay samayso Xaruntu. Warbixinta afar bilood laha ah ee ay hadda soo saartay waxaay ku waramaysaa 11 April ilaa 7 August 2017 wixii dhacay. Mudadaas gudeheeda kow iyo toban suxufi ayaa la xidhay, hal suxufi ayaa dacwad lagu soo oogay halka shan bog (website) la xayiray.

Warbixintani waxaay muujinaysa deegaanka adag ee ay ku shaqeeyaan warbaahinta Somaliland xilli ay doorasho soo socoto. Dawladda Somaliland waa inay joojiso kadeedka ay ku hayso warbaahinta.

Kow iyo toban suxufi ayaa la xidhay tan iyo April, halka kow iyo toban kalena la xidhay sanadkan bilawgiis, taas oo ka dhigaysa suxufiyiinta la xidhay sanadkan 22 suxufi.

August 2017 Quarterly Report on the Situation of the Media in Somaliland


Every four months, Human Rights Centre issues a quarterly report on the situation of the media in Somaliland. The report is based on monitoring and documentation carried out by the Centre. This quarterly report covers the period from 11th April to 7th August, 2017, in which eleven journalists were detained, one was prosecuted and five websites were blocked.

See the full report in here.

“This report shows the hard environment Somaliland media is working in an election period. Somaliland government shall stop harassing the media,” says Guleid Ahmed Jama, the chairperson of Human Rights Centre.

“Eleven journalists were detained since April and another eleven were arrested in the first quarter of the year, making the total of detained journalists in this year twenty two,” he adds.



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