Who is Mohamed Behi Yonis?

Mohamed Behi Yonis, current Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation of Somaliland and presidential candidate for the incumbent Kulmiye Political Party has long professional background in diplomacy and international relations, international .
ooperation, conflict resolution and public administration. He was generous contributor to patriotic movement and struggle of SNM in 1980s as well as the later nation building processes and had long acquaintance with the most leaders and politicians of Somaliland which later urged his nomination as the current MOFA Minister. During recent years, he played key roles in the foreign policy and international recognition seeking campaigns of Somaliland. He is the first MOFA Minister of Somaliland who drafted and started the initiative of foreign policy development led by MOFA. He is professional, experienced, honesty, creative, cooperative, caring person and individual who respects people and the differences in views towards issues. As a candidate of Kulmiye, he has the campaign to focus on economic development, wider investment, employment creation, infrastructural building and securing international recognition.
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